LED > Love Ends Disaster - based in England: news, reviews, latest gigs, biography, mp3, photos, demos. Matt Dix, Jon Dix, Matt Oakes, Pete Jones, Rob


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August 26th
THE ATTIK, Leicester *Moscow Youth Cult*, Pineapster Communion. Side improv-noise-electro project debut feat. Moscow & Rob, plus Andy from Dragster Youth Cult. More to follow.

August 17th
DUBLIN CASTLE, Camden: w/Jonny Lives, The Souls & Fans of Kate. After a 5 hour journey stuck on the M1 listening to The Killers at full volume, Matt suffering from temporary and blisteringly painful kidney failure, Jon and Rob chomp incessantly on Sainsbury's own AllBran, and, most terrifyingly, Pete actually morphs into Morrissey as we arrive and nervously rattle through our 1st London gig. People clap and no one dies, Oakes is fairly drunk, equipment fails. Success!

August 14th
THE ATTIK, Leicester: w/Kiajaroovah, They Live! & One Dog Clapping. Back to what feels like our second home in The Attik with noise masters They Live! intruiging everyone and Kiajaroovah playing instrumental and as fantastic as ever. Wow! We even had a practice before this gig. Oh and many thanks to Dex who drove us home at the speed of light!

July 3rd
THE BOAT CLUB, Nottingham: w/Among the Missing, camein3rd & The Haze. Good venue and crazy back-stage intense giant pink ball fight with ATM. A month without playing together doesnt seem to have any negative effects (apart from Jon's guitar cutting out as usual!) and Oakes quits the band in anger at the end of the night. Then re-joins it again in the morning.

May 30th
THE ATTK, Leicester: GBH3 w/Team, Kiajaroovah & Chins, The Chins. Excellent East Mids showcase, show goes well, rounded off with much awaited Chins jam that involves Violins, Kazoos and various band people shouting the word 'Chins' repeatedly.

May 29th
BUNKERS HILL, Nottingham:, w/Among the Missing & Maelker. Hot, sweaty & loud summer night, goes smoothly for a change, Oakes plays the melodica, ATM go bonkers.

May 3rd
FREE-FEST, Loughborough Students Union,
w/Atticus, Threadbear, You get what you pay for + others. An unbelievable gig. Rob turns up 1 minute before we go on, Pete gets chucked in a fountain and is angry, We play our new song quite well, mosh-pits start, chanting of 'L.E.D.' starts, encore crazyness and hundreds of people jumping and clapping... errr.. pretty surreal stuff! See the pictures here.

April 30th
JUNKTION 7, Nottingham,
w/The Switch and Indelible. I think we just confused this funk orientated audience. Got paid £40 which we can put towards practicing our new song. Good warm up gig for Free-Fest!!

March 26th
WHITE HORSE, High Wycombe,
w/Kill Kenada, Monkey Do Tricks & Drowning the World in Requiem. First escapade outside the midlands involves an eventful and scarey motorway prologue, a stay in the country and a damn fine gig put on by some lovely & helpful comrades.

March 20th
JUNKTION 7, Nottingham
w/The Kull (White Noise), Among the Missing and Blank Faced Babies. At last! We get to play our local venue after much hassling! It was worth the wait. A great soundman and Among the Missing play once again, and are still excellent. White Noise also play a great set and the whole vibe/atmosphere was just splendid. New Cd's proved popular too. Possibly due to Jons drawing more than anything.

March 18th
ARUBA, Nottingham
w/Among The Missing & Osiris. Empty gig in a venue well known for its R&B, cheese music and violence. Good set, played with Among the Missing who are excellent! Osiris would do well at weddings. Extra guitars add an new (pre-tuned) dimension.

March 4th
STUDENTS UNION, Loughborough
FreeFest auditions, with Atticus & Threadbear. No Rob but a great response from the audience, with Oakes reaching an all time hate for his own band wearing a "Love Ends Disaster!.... Are Shit" t-shirt.

March 2nd
with Sleepyhead
'Battle of the Bands' Round 1. Plus - Read what the 'Long Eaton Poet of the Day' Judge #3 had to say on us here.

February 19th
THE ATTIK, Leicester
with Lyca Sleep, Relay and Chapter 24
One too many bands turn up, the Dix family turn up and Wagon Wheels are thrown off stage. Jon breaks every string and nearly his hand, Rob pushes Matt, Matt knocks over drums, Oakes hates everything to do with Hinkley and Pete pays £35 to get to the gig and Dom Gorlay reviews this mess! See here.

January 23rd
THE SHED, Leicester
with Kiajaroovah, Black Carrot and M.I.A
On first to a generous audience and play new song 'This New Wave' which actually sounds rather smashing! Jon falls over on final song and writhes on the floor whilst Matt, Rob and Pete look on rather confused. Scott from TEAM videos a couple of songs for us that you can see in the music section. Apparently there is also possible blackmail material of Matt and Jon dancing like a robotic Jarvis to Disco 2000. We also got paid £6. Yay.

January 11th 2004
THE SOCIAL, Nottingham
with Porlock and White Noise
It's a quiet Sunday, everyone wants a quiet pint, so three really loud bands turn up and the audience seem bewildered. Pete kisses a girl and Oakes perfects his 'Fuck I'm bored' stance on stage. Fun, sweaty and asked to play again.

December 11
THE SHED, Leicester
with Super Inferno and The Teranchulas
The man turned up to this one, but forgot his dog. Played well, enjoyed it but hopefully they'll be an audience at The Social.

November 26
THE ATTIK, Leicester
With Kiajaroovah
Excellent gig in a venue the size of an angular tomato. We get asked to play again, which is nice. Ourselves and Kia are on video once more. We await interesting results.

November 14
THE DOGHOUSE, Loughborough
with Kiajaroovah
Private (and yet public) party mayhem. Videoed apparently.

October 27th
THE SOCIAL, Nottingham
with The Undergrade & Devil Made Me Do It
First hometown gig bizarrely sees us headlining on the same stage once graced by: The White Stripes, The Strokes, Melt Banana, Fly PanAm and other such wonders.

October 11th
Pineapster alldayer
Organised by Matt in a bikers pub in darkest Leicestershire. Headline band Untamed
perform a series of Iron Maiden covers.

October 4th
THE SHED, Leicester
Pineapster alldayer
First gig outside Loughborough. Oakes is back! We play new songs! Jons guitar breaks!

May 30th
THE DOGHOUSE, Loughborough
with Tightrope
Oh joy, we return again. Oakes' last gig before he leaves for London.

March 29th
THE DOGHOUSE, Loughborough
with Kiajaroovah & The Smears
Hot, sweaty, loud.and a cover of Dancing in the Dark. Why not? The gig is reviewed by FlakMonkey here.

March 15th
THE DOGHOUSE, Loughborough
with Vent
Smallest Girl sounded good tonight. On the way home huge fight in a kebab shop with the lovely local Loughborough folk. Jons amp nearly gets thrown through the window and he gets a salt shaker in the head.

Februrary 27th 2003
12DEGREES WEST, Loughborough
With Special Needs
As debut gigs go, pretty standard - Aftershock dwarfs, big green faces,
peoples drinks being spiked, covers of MJ's 'Black or White'. And whipping.



 Fri 24 Sep THE WHITE HORSE, High Wycombe: Denial Records w/TBA, 8:30pm, £?.    
see previous gigs listing
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