It's been a while but at last L.E.D are ready to hit the INFX recording
studio from September 21st-24th to record the E.P. Currently titled
'Stories for the Dislocated' the CD will contain upto 4 songs and
if all goes well they will include:
1.) T.V.
2.) Sendai
3.) This New Wave
4.) Warning: Robots
Moscow Youth Cult (Guitarist Jon's electro/post-rock outfit) have
had thier first gig at The Attik. (Pictures can be seen on the images
live page). Love Ends Disaster! have also recently had articles
in The
Buckinghamshire Free Press and other North London papers
regarding the build up to the recording. The Dublin Castle gig was
nuts (mega thanks to all who attended) and there are some fruity
pictures of Jon and Rob eating All-Bran in the car circulating somewhere.
The next gig is at The White Horse in High Wycombe and don't forget
to join the Denial
Records Forum for music chat and other random words.
Hurray! We have signed with North London label Denial Records to
record and distribute an E.P. featuring up to 5 songs. It will be
recorded in INFX Studio, High Wycombe in September this year with
a release by the end of the year. Our producer is Warren Barrett
who has produced for The Fall and more recently for Bloc Party.
We also have a gig lined up at Dublin Castle (London) so if you
live down south... be there!. Jon's off to Japan for 3 weeks after
our Boat Club gig, whilst Oakes and Pete have been busy having all
the fun in Glastonbury. Won't be long before we play it I'm sure...uhem....!
Join the Denial Records Forum
and see you at Dublin Castle!
We are close to signing a contract with Denial Records to produce
a Love Ends Disaster! E.P. This will be a one off release recorded
and produced in High Wycombe. We have also continued to get great
reviews for ‘Volume II’ from Logo Magazine and Raw Nerve Promotions
and Do Something Pretty fanzine so check out the reviews
page. Pete is currently slaving away at his exams
so he’d appreciate it if you could all telepathically help him pass
the year in flying colours, Oakes is currently fitting in nicely
at a Scouting magazine and Jon is off to Japan for a 3-week break
in July. We have a few gigs lined up with the awesome Among
the Missing so come along to a gig at the end of May!
It's been a silent but violent month
for us muppets of late. Some great reviews! See the
reviews for the latest
feedback on Volume II. A Compilation CD from Hotwired
Radio now features us and Atticus, so go buy it now
for only £3.60!!Expect a change to the images page soon and
also some kind of shop where you can grab yourself a fetching white
or b/w 'Love Ends Disaster!' design made by our extraordinary drummer
Pete. More CD's will be available at Junktion 7
on 30th April and don't forget we are to headline FREE-FEST at Loughborough
Students Union on Monday 3rd May! One not to miss. A DVD is to be
done by Mr Simcoe and a complilation CD by The University will be
available at a mere £5!
Hurrrayyy!! Volume II - By Love Ends Disaster! has now been completed.
The songs include John Majors Mega Drive, Sendai and This New Wave
and is downloadable on the music
page or a CD via matt@loveendsdisaster.co.uk.
On the 2/3/04 Love Ends Disaster! Won a Battle of the
Bands round in the metal swamp of Long Eaton against the quite lovely
'Sleepyhead'. The judges were harsh but fair to
us all, except one rather bizzarre judge who forgot to score us
out of 10 and instead wrote a whole absurd page of diary-esque psycho
babble. See this nonsense here.
During the same week we came through the Free-Fest auditions unscathed,
minus Rob, to secure a place in the Loughborough Students festival
in May, later to find out they are to headline the day by performing
at 9:10pm!
So it's been a little quiet round here of
late, but things are about to become a whole lot louder in the next
few weeks. During the weekend Love Ends Disaster! have been recording
Volume II a 3 song disc of studio quality tracks with the soundmen
from Mars, Johnny Nott and none other than James Brown! The songs
include John Majors Mega Drive, Sendai and This New Wave and will
be available within the next few weeks. Email matt@loveendsdisaster.co.uk
and ask for your copy of Volume II complete with your name and address.
Drowned in Sound reviewer Dom Gorlay has added his latest offerings
of our live gig on 19/2/04 which can be seen here: www.drownedinsound.com
and guitarist Jon has been crowned best solo artist of 2004 by www.leicestermusicscene.co.uk.
Lovely, now anyone for a Wagon Wheel?
Welcome back. It's been a festive few weeks
and it's good to be back. 2003 was a year of maturity and neutrality
for Love Ends Disaster! Oakes lost a job but gained facial hair,
Rob got a job and provided a warm shelter for unwanted Christmas
pets, in his trusty afro, Pete, the savage, admitted to shaving
every last hair on his body, possibly for opposite reasons, Matt
learned to hit E on his bass and moved to Nottingham whilst Jon
ate all the pies and plans to run to Japan in the near future taking
the pies with him. Roll on 2004. (Our gigs are more exciting than
we are....believe me) We also have an 'Love Ends Disaster! Artsite'
on the web where we have, and will continue to post, slide-shows
of weird and wonderful artwork, 4-track absurdities and a if demand
surfaces, a day-to-day diary on Oakes pants. Have a visit to www.loveendsdisaster.50megs.com
and let us know what you think.Studio version of 'Sendai' and 2
new songs 'This New Wave' and 'John Majors Mega Drive' due to be
recorded in early late February, hopefully studio quality this time!.
And hello to you, mad fools. Your omnipotent
hyper-god here, bringing you brilliant waves of news from ocean
Love Ends Disaster!. The more observant of you will notice our little
website's exciting new face lift, courtesy of long-term fan/friend
Peter Simcoe. Many thanks and lattes to him. No doubt you will have
recently seen 'Love Ends Disaster!' live on their extensive UK tour
as of late, consisting of a number of exciting, impulsive and life-changing
shows in Leicester and Nottingham, and Leicester again. Those who
have not had a chance to witness the spectacle fret not - visits
are planned for the Attik and Shed (Leicester) and perhaps even
the Social once more (Notts) View the Gigs page at your leisure
for more info. And don't forget children, 'Love Ends Disaster!'
and 'Johnny Moscow' Demo CDs are still available for FREE (check
out the MP3 page), as long as you play them to all your friends
and family whilst saying things like 'they're really good, honest'
and 'they sound much better live'.