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  'Long Eaton Poet of the Day' Judge #3        

Here is a transcription of what Judge #3 said on the night, not happy with saying “Ooh I don't know maybe a 7/10 for technical ability” type comments, he wrote us this helpful piece instead!

Judge #3: “4 guys rope in, one of ‘At the Drive In’ and linger on stage looking…..well….inoffensive. They linger and linger yet still more interesting than the first act on tonight already. Mmmm… Dj’s fault now. Get on with it….and lets begin. An old story, it is disjointed yet not dysfunctional; ‘Sonic Youth’ enter a back door melt ‘Interpol’. Mmmm they were hoping for Joy Division. We are all crying out for something is it this? Is this it? I have an unsecret heart for this guitaring but ‘Johnny Domino’ they ain’t. Tuning, tuning and T-shirts. No humour just salvaging. Bring me your song. Your song. Your heart, your there. It is always time to do whatever the fuck you want. Tighten up, find an act, find your voice. Bad gig. No charm, charm me. A whole act. Mean it and tell us you mean it. I wanna see you sweat! And there is a website that doesn’t sweat. Guitar god, sounds so nice, too nice the vocalist vanishes. The lady vanishes for an Agatharism. Give it presence, more, I’m nearly there with you. Build the pressure. Make me believe, lift me, and the song finishes. Back to school Quest que se and as exciting as my French is bad. Why? Write your own, it’s in you, write art, play art, be art, your art. I hate careerist musicians. Work your arse off, play your heart. Day – night. Challenge me more. Guitar god. If a fire burns inside eat flint, don’t drink water. Ever. It’s bad for you. Who do you love? What do you love? Have guitar will travel, as long as your drive. Tighter and tighter. Show me the show and bring emotion or don’t turn up. Bring me your deepest thoughts. This is show business (all spelling thanks to Microsoft)"

Constructive words there from Judge #3 I’m sure you’ll agree. If your interested here’s some comments made by the other two:

Judge #1:Interesting! A good mix of styles. Good structure in places. Very Chaotic (No bad thing) but in danger of disappearing up own R-Soles"

Judge #2:Intentional feedback has been done and is not pleasant for audience, the idea is to fill a room not empty it"

Judge #1:”Came across like a fuck about at a gig. Got much better later on….Good talking heads cover. Decent overall. Mr Telecaster – if your gonna use different tunings, bring more than one guitar.” (Edit – Come on! Who wants to buy us one then?)

Well that completes the comments about the gig on 2/3/04. Look out for some Live MP3’s from the gig taken from the P.A. feed which we shall add onto the artsite later on in the month.




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