LED > Love Ends Disaster - based in Nottingham, England: news, reviews, latest gigs, biography, mp3, photos, demos. Matt Dix, Jon Dix, Matt Oakes, Pete Jones, Rob


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www.logo-magazine.com (volume 2 review)
Superficially, Love Ends Disaster! trade in the choppy old/new wave lines and stop-on-a-dime theatrics of Interpol and Gang Of Four, indulging their taste for a spot of Muse-alike bombast along the way. Keep listening though and a Ska beat rears its head, and a coda – to ‘John Major’s Megadrive’ – that sounds like someone’s been listening to Pat Metheny.

Now there’s an interesting juxtaposition, one that’s further underlined by what could be British Sea Power trading lines with Todd Rundgren and Ian Curtis. It feels like 1978, again, but for once that’s a comment intended to evince feelings of nostalgic warmth.

www.rawnervepromotions.co.uk (volume 2 review)
I like the drawn out, black and white artwork that accompanies this seemingly quite odd release that isn't a compilation, Love Ends Disaster is the name of the band.

"John Major's MegaDrive" starts us off and has a very 80's feel for the most part, with a definite overtone of Squeeze and Psychedelic Furs in there, but with guitars a lot more punk rock and heavier sounding in places interspersed between the Paul Weller of old style vocal ramblings. Some excellent little licks of lead melodies drop in inbetween lines, and there are also some beautiful, more airy, spaced out harmonies and chords blowing passed. A decent, if not slightly strange, eclectic sounding opening piece that flits around quite a lot in its 150 seconds long life.

Next up is "Sendai" which is a little more akin to the early 80's gothic rock sound, especially in the very British sounding vocal, before "This new wave" chills things out some more, precedings its own mini build ups and tension mounting chorus. It's approaching four in the morning, and although my main love is for extreme metal, electro and anything very progressive, this is a good listen for this late (early) hour.

www.dosomethingpretty.com (volume 2 review)

www.alt-uk.com (volume 2 review)

www.iateyourmicrophone.com (volume 2 review)

www.drownedinsound.com (live review)

www.iateyourmicrophone.com (volume 1 review)

www.storylinerecords.com (volume 1 review)

www.drownedinsound.com (volume 1 review)

www.leicestermusicscene.co.uk (live review)

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  Thurs 26 Aug THE ATTIK, Leicester: *Moscow Youth Cult* performance - feat. Moscow/Rob/DragsterYouthCult, w/Toy Heroes, Kinago & Hinterland, 9pm, £2.    
 Fri 24 Sep THE WHITE HORSE, High Wycombe: Denial Records w/TBA, 8:30pm, £?.    
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